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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sorry...I Been Sick

Hey All,

     I'm writing a letter of apology. Please forgive me I haven't abandoned my blog. I know many of you have been asking why I haven't written a post in a while but I have had a really bad cold and was trying to fight through it. I'm feeling a lot better now. Thanks for your concern. During the time I was sick there was a little incident that occurred which I'd like to share. At the time it was kinda embarrassing, but now I'm able to laugh about it.

     One afternoon last week I left work to go to a doctors appointment. Seems like the cold I thought was getting better was getting worse. Each day came a new symptom. As I'm driving down the street  I went  into a coughing fit. This was one of those new symptoms. Before I just had running nose and sore throat. Now that the sore throat was gone I some how inherited an annoying cough. The cough would stop then I'd feel fine then it would come back and I'd feel like I was choking almost. After about a 40 minute drive I was only 10 minutes away from the doctors office and was doing good on time. I still had 20 minutes to get there. Next thing I know another coughing spell hits me, this time I start gagging which makes me throw up mucus and phlegm all over my shirt. Yeah I know its gross. It's not like I did it on purpose! Anyway, I'm just lucky I managed to hold the steering wheel with one hand, my shirt with the other, and successfully catch it all preventing it from going anywhere else in the car, while watching the road and changing lanes, to now take a quick detour to a friends house! I couldn't go to the doctors office like this. Now I did have on two shirts. Since I was coming from work I had on a t-shirt underneath my work shirt. The work shirt was messed up the most but still the t-shirt was wet so I needed to take them both off. I pulled up in front of my friends house and luckily she was home, I called her to explain and in less than a minute she was next to my car with another shirt, towel, and plastic bag to put my stuff in and everything! GREAT!!!!

     I wiped myself up and changed really fast into the shirt my friend gave me so I could get to the doctor office. I didn't want to be too late because then I'd have to reschedule this appointment I desperately needed. I wasn't too far away so I knew if I hurried I could still make it. The time window was really small though. And for those of you wondering, yeah, I changed in the car. I'm sure the nosy people watching didn't mind, LOL. I was in a hurry now!!!! Anyway I thanked my friend and drove off as I was buttoning up the shirt she gave me. I soon realized that the buttons didn't quite close all the way. In fact from almost my stomach up they wouldn't close. She is smaller than me, so that would mean that her clothes are smaller than mine. hhhmmmm...... I guess in our haste we didn't really think this out. Also I noticed that this shirt was hot pink. hhhmmmm..... I guess in our haste we didn't really think this out either. Okay so I pull up at the doc office now, but I'm not really as in a hurry as I was before knowing I gotta get out the car with this shirt on. I was already looking and feeling bad because I was sick and nose kept running, face and mouth was dry. Then that morning I had a bad hair day so I put on a wig, but couldn't get it quite fixed how I wanted it so I just pulled it back into a ponytail. I noticed when I looked in the rearview mirror it even looked a little crooked on my head. I figured that happened during the coughing spell, or shirt changing in the car or something who knows. Also not to mention I was coming from work, so I had on my work pants, similar to Dickies, that construction workers wear and I had on scuffed up steel toe shoes.

     I got out the car SUPER embarrassed. From the waist down, kinda like a construction worker, not so bad. I was clean. People could understand a person coming from work. From the waist to neck though is another story. I looked kinda like a stripper or maybe porn star. I had on a hot pink button up shirt half buttoned, with a black and pink push up bra that had my boobs looking like they were about a size 38 DDD and had ripped through the shirt bursting to be set free. That was bad! People wouldn't understand that! Then from the neck up my face was all dried and ashy, nose runny, eyes watery, and wig slightly shifted off to the side. That was bad! The combo of all three looks was the WORST!!!!! From the moment I stepped in that waiting room people starred at me and whispered and everything. I ignored them of course, but wondered what they were thinking. I knew if I saw someone walk in like that I'd be taking a pic with my phone and uploading to Facebook or Twitter, LOL!!! So, who knows y'all may see one floating around! The doctor just starred at me and asked if I was okay a bunch of times, I explained to him what happened. He said okay, but he still looked at me with a suspicious look. He also had me do a urinalysis. I figure he was probably drug testing my pee on the sly to see if I had start using or something cause that might better explain why I was really looking like that. He examined me also and claimed nothing was wrong but a common cold and I should be better soon. I'm sure the whole staff had plenty to say when I left. He has been my doctor for years and never seen me like that before, its been a while but not that long since my last visit, I wanted to say, "Dang doc I haven't hit the streets since you last saw me I'm just sick!" LOL... After a long nap at home I felt better and after some time has passed I can laugh about this!!!!

P.S. Oh yea, I forgot to mention, my friend smokes, so most of her things smell like smoke, hence the shirt smelled like smoke as well. SMH


1 comment:

  1. Hey Terri,
    I was wondering why I haven't seen a post from you. I am sorry that you were sick....I hate being sick. I rarely get sick, but when I do it SUCKS BAD. I am glad that you are feeling better. Sometimes the most unusual things happen when someone is ILL...GOOD and BAD. Just continue to take it easy and get plenty of rest :-)
